2011년 9월 16일 금요일

The worst college essay ever.txt

The truth is my ancestors are a part of the legacy that dates as far back as the beginning of time. In my veins flows the royal blood of heroes and kings that had reigned over empires, founded nations, and created history. Our race, with our superior mental acuity and physical strength, has come to this planet to enlighten the lesser beings of culture, technology and morality. David, Alexander the Great, King Arthur, Isaac Newton, Napoleon, Albert Einstein, you name it. Their great achievements were only possible due to the great ability of our kind. Each of us, with our unique abilities has engraved everlasting marks in history, and entire chapters of history books are dedicated to celebrate their achievements.
However, with great power comes great responsibility, which Adolf Hitler failed to recognize. He brought sadness and suffering to the world with his rash and drastic actions, and I, along with my fellow leaders of the allies, had to come to a heart-breaking decision that he had to be stopped at all costs.
After the case of Hitler, we have exiled ourselves from the eyes of society and retreated to the shadows. However, as of recent years I see signs of a great danger that may soon bring mankind to its destruction.
We have already formulated multiple plans to stop this event from coming to pass, but we require your assistance as well. It is imperative that I get admitted to Harvard; the resources and possible relations that may formulate during my years there will become very useful when I save the world from destruction. So, I plead you, for the survival of your kin, select me as your adequate candidate to be admitted to your school.

P.S. A financial aid wouldn't go amiss as well.

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